Pure Outside is good local outdoors blog I’ve been following for a while now. A lot of the posts are about hiking, and have a Vancouver Island focus, but they also do a good job of covering the spectrum. Running, biking, travel, trip reports, whatever you’re after, be sure to add this one to your feed reader.
We all want to get outside more. Well, most of us do. It’s the greatest feeling in the world to be happy, outside, in the fresh air. Forget the noise, smog and people of the city and head outside into the wilderness where there is so much to see and do. You don’t need to pay for any of it, it’s all there for the taking.
This site is for Awesome Series. It began as the Friday Awesome Series where a few friends decided to make one day a week awesome and outside. It didn’t matter where or how just the activity was awesome and it was outside. From the Friday Awesome Series, it went to Sunday Awesome Series and then to any day a few of us could get out and enjoy the air, the trees, the dirt and the water.
It’s all about doing something outside. Back to where it’s pure, it’s fresh and it’s Awesome.
Think pure. Think outside.
Check the site out, and you can also follow @Pureoutside and the main author @rcthink on Twitter.